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【5921】Re:Broccoli Raab(Rapini)の苦味をとる方法&レシピ
 Italian E-MAIL  - 05/1/10(月) 1:39 -
Sorry I cannot type Japanese on this computer yet...

Anyway, I learned this little tip on one of the Food TV shows.

Giada (from Everyday Italian) was saying that, in order to get rid of the bitterness, you need to throw the vegetable into boiling water (with a bit of salt added), blanch it for a minute or so, and then put it in iced water to shock it (i.e. stop it from cooking any further).

She then went on to saute it with olive oil, garlic, red pepper flakes, adding some raisins and pine nuts at the end. (You can add some of the water in which you blanched the vegetable to the pan while sauteing so that it does not get too dry.)

One more thing; she was cutting off most of the stems, using only the leafy part.

Hope this helps :)


289 hits

【5915】Broccoli Raab(Rapini)の苦味をとる方法&レシピ コマ 05/1/8(土) 11:37
【5921】Re:Broccoli Raab(Rapin... Italian 05/1/10(月) 1:39
【5929】だめでした・・・。 コマ 05/1/12(水) 7:11
【5955】Re:だめでした・・・。 アウトドアラー 05/1/19(水) 7:51
【5976】ありがとうございます。 コマ 05/1/25(火) 7:46

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