もっと有ったらおしえてくださ〜い〜。 投稿者:m(_ _)m 誰か?のサイト→ <HOME> ( 07/03/16 08:39:43 )
↑”Cutting Through Cooked Rice," presented by the wife of a sushi chef.
The comment reads that please take a look at mixing process of cooked rice and sweetened vinegar at our Sushi Shop.
It is how a sushi chef mixes rice and vinegar.
Please make use of this video strip to prepare sushi at home.
My favorite is the wooden rice paddle my husband uses year after year."
* The video depicts the scene the chef uses a fan to quickly cool the rice.
▽ ここで教えてもらったサイトです。(T/O) 投稿者:どーもー吉村真理でーす。 <HOME> ( 07/03/16 09:39:50 )
美味しそう〜!!(T/O) 投稿者:おなかすいた ( 07/03/16 11:59:07)