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【3038】ホット & サワースープ の作り方 みよ 03/1/14(火) 18:05

【3091】レストランの味 ちゅん 03/1/20(月) 1:29

 ちゅん  - 03/1/20(月) 1:29 -


8 cups water or Chinese-style chicken or pork stock

1/4 cup soy sauce, or more to taste

1/4 cup white vinegar, or more to taste

2 teaspoons ground white pepper, or to taste

4 dried shiitake mashrooms, reconsitituted and sliced

1 small block medium or firm tofu, cut into strips

1/2 cup wood ear (kikurage), cut into strips

1/2 cup bamboo shoot strips

1/4 cup port strips (Take a small piece of pork from the loin or chop. Cut into rough strips or little chunks. Saute in a skillet in 1 tablespoon of vegetable or peanut oil. Add a dash of soy sauce to help it caramelize a little. Cook for about 1 minute, then add to soup.)

1/4 cup cornstarch, mixed with 1/4 cup water to make a slurry

3 eggs, beaten

sesame oil

chopped green onions and/or cilantro, for garnish, optional

* In a large soup pot, add water or stock, soy sauce, vinegar and white pepper. Then add the mushrooms, tofu, wood ear, bamboo shoots and pork. Let mixture come to a boil.

* When soup reaches a boil, turn down heat to medium. In consecutive slow pours, add the cornstarch slurry to the soup while stirring. Then soup will start the thicken.

* When the soup returns to a boil, drizzle the egg on top. When the egg blossoms, give the soup a gentle stir to incorporate the egg. Taste teh soup. Add more soy sauce, vinegar and white pepper, if needed. Drizzle with sesame oil and serve with garnishes.

ポイントは醤油、お酢、そして白コショウです。味見をした後にこの3つで味を調えて下さいね。とっても簡単でおいしいHot and sour soupができますよ。

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